How does Law Tram Work?

  1. Complete this free online questionnaire
  2. Chat with our Virtual Paralegal to create a free detailed legal brief
  3. Share your legal brief (anonymously) with trusted Australian solicitors who chat with you if they can help – or – print your legal brief for free

Free, totally online and no obligation!

Do you need a no-win no-fee lawyer?

Whether you are making a claim for Total & Permanent Disability (TPD), income protection from your superannuation or privately, a claim for compensation or damages, or a claim against your employer or workers compensation, an Australian solicitor is a must to ensure your rights are protected.

Our Personal Injuries Consultation allows you to detail the circumstances of your accident or injury in a secure environment then creates a free Anonymised Legal Brief.

Does your legal challenge fall into any of the following categories?

  • Workplace incidents
  • Public space accidents
  • Medical negligence
  • Total & Permanent Disability claims (TPD)
  • Income Protection / Salary Continuance claims
  • Superannuation insurance claims
  • Car or other motor vehicle accidents
  • Mental health claims
  • … and more

Law Tram’s Legal Partners (expert Australian solicitors) will review your situation for free and consider offering their services to you in a free online chat.

If a lawyer can help, they will chat to you through the Law Tram platform and if you like them you can click ‘Accept’ to release your personal contact details to them with no obligation, and then consider retaining them as your solicitor.

* The referral of personal injuries matters to all of our Legal Partners are not available in the state of Queensland, Australia due to legislation in that state.