Law Tram’s E-Security Features:

  1. Database Security: Law Tram uses extremely robust security features and ensures data protection, authentication, and real-time database security.
  2. Data Segmentation: User data is stored in a separate silo, ensuring that third party applications never have access to personal identification details during interactions.
  3. Anonymous Interactions with AI: When users engage with AI, it only sees the context of the legal matter, ensuring complete anonymity (provided the user has complied with the terms and conditions of the website and followed instructions provided).
  4. Exclusive Access to Licensed Solicitors: Only verified and licensed Australian law practices are granted access to view the anonymous legal briefs, ensuring a professional and secure environment.
  5. Controlled Release of Contact Details: Law Tram does not automatically release client contact details to solicitors. This information is only shared if a user proactively chooses to do so, giving users full control over their personal data.
  6. AI Built-in Security: The AI used by Law Tram operates with high e-security standards, ensuring that all interactions are protected and confidential.
  7. Regular Security Audits: Law Tram will undergo regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the platform remains up-to-date with the latest security standards.
  8. Data Retention Policies: Law Tram has strict policies on data retention, ensuring that data is not stored longer than necessary and is securely deleted after its purpose is served.
  9. Continuous Monitoring: The platform is continuously monitored for any suspicious activities, and immediate action is taken in case of any security threats.

By integrating these e-security features, Law Tram ensures a safe and secure environment for both users and solicitors, prioritising data protection and user privacy at all times.