How does Law Tram Work?

  1. Complete this free online questionnaire
  2. Chat with our Virtual Paralegal to create a free detailed legal brief
  3. Share your legal brief (anonymously) with trusted Australian solicitors who chat with you if they can help – or – print your legal brief for free

Free, totally online and no obligation!

Fortunately in Australia there are many ways significant debt doesn’t need to be a total disaster. Turning your situation around starts with proper legal advice and prompt action.

Share the details of your financial problems securely with us, and Law Tram will generate a free Anonymised Legal Brief for you.

Our Legal Partners (Australian solicitors) will be alerted that your brief has been made available and can review your matter to determine how they can assist you during this difficult time. They will then reach out to you through an online chat in our platform.

If you like them, you can simply click Accept to provide them with your contact information with no obligation and then consider retaining them as your solicitor.