How does Law Tram Work?

  1. Complete this free online questionnaire
  2. Chat with our Virtual Paralegal to create a free detailed legal brief
  3. Share your legal brief (anonymously) with trusted Australian solicitors who chat with you if they can help – or – print your legal brief for free

Free, totally online and no obligation!

Whether your’e an employee or employer, Law Tram’s Employment Law Consultation can help create a comprehensive legal brief for you, for free.

This consultation is for you for matters to do with unfair dismissal, workplace bullying, adverse action claims and anything else in relation to employment and industrial relations.

Share your story with us through a secure channel, and Law Tram will create a free Anonymised Legal Brief.

Our Legal Partners, who are a network of Australian solicitors well-versed in defamation law, will review your case, seeking to offer their expert legal services.

If a lawyer can help, they will chat to you in the Law Tram platform and if you like them you can click ‘Accept’ to release your personal contact details to them with no obligation, and then consider retaining them as your solicitor.